"Mmh...is this thing on?" A big, muscular, light purple skinned lizard said to himself as he tapped a clawed finger against a camera lens, looking over at the computer monitor next to him every now and again to see if things were changing. The lizard had been planning quite the interesting live stream for a little while now, but now that he was actually getting ready to start it up...of course there were technical issues. Almost wanted to ask his guests if they could help out, but considering what they were guest-starring for, they probably wouldn't be willing to offer the lizard much help! "Ah. There we go." The initially-static "stream loading..." card that had been displaying on the reptile's computer finally changed to the camera output after a few more frustrated clicks of the mouse gripped tight in his other hand. Those claws soon went to tap-tap on the microphone that had been set up in front of his desk, the monitor lizard leaning in with his snout and showing off the long, vertical scar that sliced up one of his eyes in the process...with that and the massive tattoo that covered the entirety of his left pec and arm, the lizard really didn't look like one to be standing in front of a webcam...but here he was, and the chat was more than ready for it considering how many messages were scrolling up the side of the window! "Okay...can you hear me?" the lilac-colored monitor asked once more, waiting a few seconds before stepping back and letting his entire upper body stand center in the camera frame. Showing off his toned body, ripped abs, and that tattoo as well, a tattoo that a few members of the chat were already asking about! The lizard was more than happy to show off for a little bit, though that wasn't really the focus of today's stream, really... "Okay. You all can call me the Boss, or Big Boss if you prefer. It's really not important. Today, I'm going to be showing you how to harness the power of your own body to devour and process people whole. Friends, enemies, inconvenient people that you need to make disappear...what you use it for isn't important. What is important is having the proper technique to protect yourself and make the experience more enjoyable. For yourself, of course. And with me today, I have some lovely guests who are going to help me demonstrate two different methods that you can use..." the Boss said as he trailed off, coming back towards the camera and tilting it to the right until it revealed exactly who he was talking about. Two people sat on the floor next to the lizard, their arms, legs, and mouths bound tight...a smallish yellow dragon, and a much larger, lankier looking werewolf, though one thing the two of them had in common was how...Uncomfortable they were with the situation at hand! Maybe they were some loose ends, or enemies, or maybe they were just playing it up for the camera...Either way, they didn't look like they were about to enjoy this little demonstration, that was for sure! "Mm. Going to be showing off a bit of a more unique method first hand. I'm sure some of you have seen someone get hooked down the old fashioned way before, but I'd bet that not nearly as many of you have experience with this..." the Boss said as he continued to step back in the frame, quickly revealing two things. One, that he had a twin pair of cocks springing out from between his legs, and two, that they were both fully erect, throbbing, and most certainly ready for the task at hand! That was a pretty good explanation for why the two captured little demonstrators were glancing down at the lizard's crotch as he brought them into frame; if he hadn't been talking about how he was going to devour them on camera, they had reason to believe that they were about to have their holes stretched out to their limits...and honestly, that was something that could still be on the table for them! The Boss was more than capable of having a few things still up his sleeves for them, even if he didn't have any actual sleeves to speak of currently...the tips of his dual cocks twitched expectedly just a few inches away from the yellow dragon’s snout as the Boss continued to calmly explain what he was about to do right to the camera, well within earshot of both of his other participants. "So, you're going to position yourself like you're going in to have them suck you off, right. Hip thrusts and all that. You can use some fingers to spread open the hole if you aren't sure of your ability to stretch, but really, if you are producing enough in there it shouldn't be a problem. You just have to line the tip up with the muzzle, and then - nnf! - just thrust forward like you would into a tight hole." the Boss said, interrupting his cool veneer with a groan as he did just as he said and put those hips to use! The tip of his purple cock almost immediately spread right over the dragon's nose and muzzle, sending them into a frenzy that their bindings were still more than able to deal with, unfortunately for the dragon! The lizard eyed up his other "guest" as he brought a hand around behind the dragon's head, syncing up a push on the back with a thrust from the front to completely swallow up that head, sharp horns and spikes and all in one decisive movement. "If you're able to brace the back of your meal's head against a wall or your hand or something, mmf, it can certainly help you get over the hump, so to speak." the Boss continued to narrate calmly as his cocks throbbed and worked their way quickly down the dragon's neck. The cock that wasn't currently devouring the lizard's target already starting to drip and make a mess on the floor next to him, a sign of things to come as the dragon continued to slide down into those purple balls that dangled between the lizard's toned legs. "If your target isn't...nngh...'cooperative', this is when things might start to get a little bit annoying. You can lean forward and thrust down, or if you're strong enough, you can just start to lift them up and drop them inside..." continued the Boss, the lizard himself opting to go for a method somewhere in between the two. Reaching his hand further down into the small of the dragon's bath, and sort of scooping him up as best he could while also continuing to thrust his hips forward to work his way down the dragon's neck and shoulders in one quick, practiced swoop. The Boss barely even groaning as his shaft stretched over those broad, yellow shoulders, the hardest part to handle no matter what method of consumption you were going for! Sometimes wings would be a problem as well, but thankfully, the Boss had thought about that beforehand and had secured them against the dragon's back, so the most challenging part had already been summited. Though there was still quite a long way to go before he would have the dragon all packed away inside of his nuts! "The nice part is that disposal is relatively easy with this method. Just have to throw away a condom like a big garbage bag..." the Boss said to himself as he humped forward once more, slurping down the dragon's chest and midriff all the way down to his waist in just a few practiced movements. "At some point, you should just be able to...nnf...lift up your shaft and let gravity start to help you out. Like anything you'd lift up, though, make sure it's in the hips..." the lizard continued as he crouched down, scooping up his quickly-growing, meaty shaft - with more than half of the dragon now inside - and, after a few huffs and groans, pointing the tip right towards the sky! "OhHhhHh, this is the best part, in my opinion~" continued the narration, though the Boss was now starting to let a bit of arousal shine through his normally-calm veneer! A shiver trickled down the lizard's spine as the dragon slid down his shaft, his balls rapidly stretching and expanding to contain the capture as his first "guest" practically fell right inside! The thin, stretchy flesh almost outlining the dragon's body perfectly, catching every little twitch and wiggle as he slid further inside. The environment quickly getting cramped up as the lizard's engorged cock eagerly chugged the rest of the dragon down, those bindings quickly becoming irrelevant with the introduction of a more natural one...they'd be the first to get melted, though, so not a big deal~ - "Hrrrf. Alright~" the Boss crooned a little bit as all that weight settled into his balls, slumping and sitting down in a nearby chair to let them just slosh out and sag between his legs while he fondled and played with his shaft. "Mmm...now normally, I'd spend a few minutes showing how the digestion process works, but I have a special guest who will start showing off the oral method at the same time! Neil, you can come into frame now..." the lizard calmly said as he looked somewhere off-camera, a few seconds passing before a tall, gray deer came into view, just as nude as his apparent co-host was! "Good, I'm starving. Can I eat him yet?" Neil quickly asked as he groped at his fuzzy, chubby gray belly, more than eager to get started with chowing down and honestly not looking like he cared much about the objective of this stream! "As long as you go through the motions for the stream and explain things as you're doing them. I'm giving you a free meal for a reason..." the Boss said with a slight fit of annoyance in his tone, Neil eagerly licking his chops as he crouched down and cupped the wolf's head in his hands. "I mean, what is there to explain, really? Just open wide, relax your throat, and start shoving 'em in..." the deer replied as he did just that, at least turning a little bit towards the camera so people could see properly as he opened up. Giving the werewolf's snout a long, slimy slurp with his tongue first, both to tease his meal and sample the flavor of the creature he was about to just shove down his gullet without any consideration! After getting that taste, with how hungry he was, there was just no shot that Neil would be giving a good demonstration, though. He was far too hungry and hedonistic to think much about anything but himself in the moment! The wolf's ears folded forward and he made as much of a whimper as he could through the gag he had on as Neil slotted his snout right into his own mouth, that tongue licking and lathering the wolf's fur with as much slime as it could while the deer steadily continued to push his jaws over the wolf's face and the top of his head. The canine steadily sliding into that dark, dank, moist cavern, feeling the deer's stale breath washing over his face every second or so...not exactly the nicest thing to feel when his face was already soaked with warm drool! That slickness at least made it easier for Neil's throat to grab onto the wolf's snout a few seconds later, Neil's eyes closing as he took a deep, satisfying swallow that pulled the wolf's entire head into his throat in one practiced motion. The deer's cheeks now stuffed with his meal's wide, bony shoulders; not the most comfortable feeling in the world to be sure, but one that he had dealt with several times in the past. At this point, he couldn't really talk about what he was doing anyway, so it didn't really matter that he wasn't too keen on this whole explanatory idea in the first place! No, the deer could just feed as he did normally, albeit with his body turned towards the camera to at least attempt giving the audience a decent view of what he was doing! Allowing the chat to see his tongue at work, the thick, probing appendage making its way down the wolf's chest and midriff, both savoring the flavor of his tall, lanky meal and also serving to add the lubrication that would be needed to smoothly transit the canine right down the deer's throat! Neil might have been taking a little longer than normal to devour this meal to show off the process a little bit more, but it was still so much faster than the Boss and his viewers had expected! The deer really was incredibly practiced at this, each swallow taking in a good foot of the wolf's body, each struggle and kick expertly dodged, absorbed, or snuffed out by the predator as he ate so voraciously. Neil fell backwards onto his ass as he gulped down the wolf's waist and started to work on those wiry legs, a big, fuzzy belly already starting to spill out into his lap in the process...the wolf inside of him really struggling to, well, struggle in there, honestly! There were bulges made, of course, but no hands pressing out or anything like that, and the stomach was relatively calm for what was inside of it, honestly...though perhaps once Neil swallowed down the rest of the werewolf, and things started to get a bit more cramped and tight in there, that would change~ He had firmly gulped down the wolf's legs at this point, the only things that were left for the chat to see being his black-and-brown paws, just barely sticking out of Neil's gray muzzle. That tongue eventually sliding out, curling along the underside of those toes and just slowly dragging them in. The deer tipped his head back, took one last, satisfying swallow...and then, the wolf was gone~ As soon as Neil had finished his meal, the Boss made his way back over to the computer, his nuts still sloshing heavily with every step he took. "Okay, let's see if they didn't knock those around in there..." the lizard said as he made a few clicks with his mouse, the stream overlay suddenly changing to show off two separate cameras. At first, it was far too dark to see anything on them, but after a few more clicks, the lights suddenly flicked on...to show the inside of the lizard's balls and Neil's stomach, of course! The prey inside both flinched as they were suddenly bathed in light, allowing them to see the slimy, folded-over walls that were massaging all those digestive fluids into their vulnerable forms...and on top of that was the realization that their digestion was now quite literally the entertainment of the evening for the whole chat. The wolf inside Neil's gut, the more recently-eaten prey, was still very fighty, kicking and squirming against the tight cervine stomach walls and even inadvertently hitting the camera a few times in the process...and honestly, he had probably done more damage to it than Neil's stomach by the end of it all. The dragon inside the Boss's balls was much less active, curled up into a tight, orange ball as cum continued to soak every inch of his body. It already looked like he was starting to digest, the edges of his body beginning to meld and mix in with the cum proper, almost like a melting dreamsicle in the hot sun... "So, mmh, as you can see, the inside of your ball is much like a regular stomach. The walls excreting a powerful digestive cum that can, nnf, literally melt your prey into more jizz...body mods are cool, right?~" the lizard continued to explain, jostling around his sloshing balls between his legs to try and move the camera around inside, though without much success. Whatever he had used to lodge that camera...um, inside of himself, it was really keeping it in place! And, honestly, as the dragon inside melted, there really wasn't much point to changing the view...it was all just kind of a uniform, thick slosh in there after a while! Neil, meanwhile, was still crunching and squeezing inward on his belly, watching the stream to see his camera change with the motions he made. "*UUAAAaaarrpphhh*...heh, that's neat." the deer commented after ripping a loud and proud belch, watching his stomach tremble and undulate as the gas rocketed up out of his throat and into the open world...something the wolf stewing away inside of him was very much jealous of! There was just, no chance of any kind of escape at this point, and even if he did manage it, there was a lizard there ready to capture him again and stuff him right back inside of the deer...or even inside of himself! The stream stayed live for another two hours or so, giving its viewers a very detailed look at how digestion worked inside both a nutsack and a stomach...the camera inside of the Boss's nut managed to survive right up until the very end, but Neil's stomach was a bit less kind to the equipment that had been stuffed inside of him! "...you know those things are expensive, right?" the Boss said with a bit of a side eye as the camera feed cut out on Neil's stomach, the deer just sort of giving the lizard a big shrug in response. "Can't really control what my stomach does, dude..." he just replied as he patted at his gut a few times, both to see if he could revive the camera inside and just to appreciate the heavy sloshing that was now coming with it as the wolf inside melted down! The latter was certainly accomplished; the former, not so much...