秘密倶楽部「SSC」 ────────────── 「本日の商品はこちらですお客様。性格は真面目。普段は風紀委員をやっていて周囲からの信頼もある優等生。 彼氏はいませんが現在好きな人がいるようで、今年のバレンタインデーは校則違反だと知りながらこっそりチョコを渡したようですね。」 「ほう、風紀委員なのに不純異性交遊でもするつもりなのかな。既に何人も相手をしているというのにね。」 「洗脳中は本人の記憶に残りませんからね。ただ感度は最初の頃より増しているようで、最近では毎日オナニーをしております。希望でしたらそちらの映像も後ほどご覧いただけますよ。」 「それは素晴らしい。後で鑑賞しながらワインでも飲むとしよう。…ところで使い終わった後はここに戻せばいいのだろう?」 「はい、記憶処理を施した後に日常生活に戻らせます。その後はお客様の都合に合わせてこちらに通わせますので、お気軽にご利用ください。利用期間は一ヶ月です。」 「孕んだ場合はどうするのかね?」 「その際は堕胎コースか托卵コースか選んでいただくことが可能です。彼女は好きな人がいるのでその相手に押し付ける事になりますね。」 「ほう?相手側も洗脳してしまうのかね?」 「いいえ、そういったのは興ざめというお客様も多いですから。自然と恋人になるよう私どもが誘導しております。」 「はっはっは!それはいい、ではそうなったら托卵コースで頼むよ。恋のキューピッドになろうじゃないか。」 ●登場人物 従業員…秘密倶楽部の従業員。 お客様…どこかの富豪。新しい肉便器が欲しかったらしい。 商品…人気商品のひとり。本人が気づかないうちに経験人数三桁超え。最近は一度オナりはじめたらガチイクまで止まらないほど性欲が高まってる。 ────────────── 'Here is today's product, customer. Serious personality. She is usually a member of the public morals committee and is an honours student who is trusted by those around her. She doesn't have a boyfriend, but she is currently in love with someone, and this Valentine's Day she secretly gave him chocolate, even though she knew it was against school rules." 'Hoh, she's a member of the public morals committee, but she's planning to engage in impure heterosexual sex. She's already been with a number of people. 'During brainwashing, you don't remember anything, you know. The sensitivity seems to have increased since the beginning, and nowadays she masturbates every day. If you wish, you can watch the video later." 'That's wonderful. I'll have a glass of wine while watching it later. By the way, when you've finished, do I put it back here? Yes, we will give it a memory treatment and then return it to its normal life. After that, we will send you back here at your convenience. The duration of use is one month." 'What happens if I get impregnated?' 'In that case, you can choose between the abortion course or the mendicancy course. She has someone she loves, so she will have to force herself on him. 'Oh? Would the other party be brainwashed as well? 'No, because many of our clients find that kind of thing unappealing. We guide them to become lovers naturally." Ha ha ha! If that happens, I'd like you to take the mendicancy course. I'll be your Cupid in love." ● Characters. Employee: An employee of the Secret Club. Customer ... some wealthy man. They wanted a new toilet. Product ... one of the popular products. He has more than three digits of experience without realising it. Recently, her sex drive has been so high that once she starts to masturbate, she can't stop until she has a hard-on. ───────────── Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) ──────────────